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Who is your inner CLAMP character?

You are like Seishirou Sakurazuka from Tokyo Babylon and X. Um... that's scary. People who do not know you very well may very well think that you are a kind and gentle soul - someone who loves animals and cares about the environment. But really, you probably couldn't care less. Your true nature is that you are a bit obsessive and antisocial. And maybe a bit of a stalker. And all of this would be a bad thing... if you weren't so damn cool.

Seishirou 88%

Chii 75%

Kurogane 71%

ссылку на тест могу найти, если кому-то надо

Перый и третий ещё сочетаются.. но как они оба сочетаются со вторым персонажем? Ж)